Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Politics '08

It's the SuperBowl, World Series, World Cup, Olympics and all those tedious Scandanavian winter festivals rolled into one: it's the U.S. Presidential Election. God, how I love it! Watching the campaign is like watching a slow-motion train wreck. Each. Agonizing. Smash up.

Tonight was New Hampshire. The spin was mighty. Who won does not matter. Next week some other obscure, low-population state will have some other caucus or poll. Somebody else will win. What will matter is February 5. Super Tuesday. Nineteen states will pick their nominees. Then the fun will begin.

Prediction: There will be at least one brokered convention. Just like the old days, the pols will skulk into a backroom to cut a deal. Three days of theater and a nominee will emerge. Republicans? Democrats? Maybe both, I dunno.